Welcome back to the final edition of COP, Look, Listen 2024. COP29 has limped to a close after nearing collapse. The conference’s outcomes on mitigation a...

A Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas, COP29, está em curso no Azerbaijão, com pouquíssimos avanços depois da primeira semana de...

Welcome back to COP, Look, Listen. To date, Microsoft’s LinkedIn, for the most part, has escaped scrutiny on climate disinformation. Microsoft’s reportin...

Welcome back to COP, Look, Listen. And welcome back to that pivotal phase of COP. Leaders have come and gone, posturing on a finance deal has tilted back and...

Welcome back to COP, Look, Listen. It may feel like we’ve entered an upside-down world when ExxonMobil’s (henceforth Exxon) CEO Darren Woods calls on US ...

Welcome back to COP, Look, Listen. Many countries are using COP29 as their opportunity to set their emissions reduction roadmaps to 2035 via their Nationally...

Welcome to the first edition of COP, LOOK, LISTEN 2024, your regular bulletin analysing the state of climate communications during COP29. It’s brought to y...

The next round of the UN Climate Change Conference, COP29, is less than 2 weeks away. This year’s host Azerbaijan is the 2nd consecutive fossil fuel rich n...

Welcome back to the climate disinformation Data Monitor. At the beginning of September, an indictment from the United States Department of Justice threw US-b...

Last month’s EU elections produced hundreds of local, national and transnational stories. No doubt you know the biggest one – the far-right made net ...